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3 Easy Solutions for a Great Night’s Sleep While Supporting Sustainable Family Farming

It’s Lynn here! Here on the farm, excitement is building for the holiday season and finishing Laels house. The gardens are being laid to rest and the time to work indoors with my sheep’s wool and finish our farm managers house is upon us. I wanted to share with you an exciting new product that is our final fundraiser for the Help a Farm to Help a Family Project. Lael, our farm manager, and her family are being brought onsite the farm. We are in the process of finalizing their house and we need your help to finish it! For our final fundraiser I’ve begun to make, wool pillows!

Have you heard of wool pillows? They have been found in studies to increase REM sleep and are touted by many to be the answer to sleepless nights. Dr. Mercola says it best when it comes to wool pillows, “When you experience the unmatched benefits of resting your head on a soft and supple wool pillow… you’ll finally know what a good night’s sleep really feels like.”

I can say from experience that this has completely changed the way I sleep! This is a priceless gift of a great night’s sleep I want to give to you. Have you been struggling with sleepless nights? I know I have. For awhile no matter how tired I was, I was unable to sleep through the night. Today,  I am finally able to sleep through the night with ease because of these three easy solutions.

curious ganymedes wool pillow saleEasy Solution for a Great Night’s Sleep #3 – Get Moving

In an article on the National Sleep Foundation website they recommend getting at least 10 minutes of exercise for a better night’s sleep. I practice Qi Gong in the mornings before I start work on the farm. It calms and centers me before I begin more of the heavy lifting required when farming full time. It’s best if you can get in some aerobic exercise outdoors during the daylight. This will help you reset your inner clock and connect you with nature.

Resting Lamb Wool PillowEasy Solution for a Great Night’s Sleep #2 – Quiet Your Mind

For many of us, we don’t know when to stop and unwind. It is important to take the time to let your mind unwind and relax before bed. Take an hour before bed (preferably without electronics) to relax in a quiet dim room (bright lights at night have been found to disrupt our circadian rhythms). Whether that’s stretching, reading a book, or talking with family, simply enjoy this time of rest.

Lynn cuddle wool pillow saleEasy Solution for a Great Night’s Sleep #1 – Create Comfort

If you are still having difficulty sleeping, it just might be time to switch your bedding. I know this was the case for me! When choosing new bedding you need to consider the materials they are made out of. Often the discomfort from your bedding stems from it not being breathable, which interrupts your body from being able to regulate your temperatures. This will cause you to be too hot or too cold. Or the bedding is full of allergens, such as dust mites and bacteria. When you are choosing bedding the first thing to be replaced should be your pillow. The new pillow needs to be, breathable, antibacterial and resistant to dust mites. Most importantly, it needs to be comfortable!

There has been a rise in the popularity of wool pillows, these unique pillows fit all of the criteria to a “T”. To begin creating the comfortable space you need to get great sleep consider changing your bedding to the kind that supports rest. I know that when I started sleeping with my wool pillow I have finally been able to sleep through the night, and there are others who have enjoyed this same kind of rest!

On the farm our mission is to serve the community with sustainable products that enhance their life while supporting sustainable processes. Making our felted wool down pillows available is an exciting new way that we would like to serve the community. You see, all of the sales from these pillows go towards finishing the house for our farm manager and her family. We only need to sell 100 of our one of a kind designed pillows. These wool pillows are set apart from all the rest because they are machine washable and completely organic without sacrificing comfort. It’s the only felted wool down pillow, making it a non itch wonder, that you will find available. Will you get a better night’s sleep and support the final push to get Lael and her family into their house?

Check out our three pillow sizes and learn more about the benefits of our one of a kind felted wool down pillows by visiting our Wool Down Pillow page on the website. The time to take back your rest is now, don’t wait any longer.

Thank you for supporting the Help a Farm to Help a Family Project. Please share this article with those who need to discover methods for a great night’s sleep. We want to give the gift of sleep to you this holiday season! Thank you for giving the gift of a home on the farm to our farm manager.

Wishing you the best of sleep!


The Living Farm

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