A high performance garden is the most fun, productive and organic gardening experiences you will ever have. There are many different styles of growing a high performance garden such as container gardens, above the earth gardens and Abundance Gardens. There are 12 distinguishing characteristics that classify a gardening method as a high performance garden method.
A high performance garden…
1. Works in harmony with nature.
2. Is disease and insect resistant.
3. Is virtually weed free.
4. Requires very little time
5. Requires very little input
6. Requires few tools
7. Is well planned
8. Is grown in succession plantings
9. Extends the growing season.
10. Utilizes all the space available.
11. Creates huge yields.
12. Is fun, enjoyable and the envy of the neighborhood.
All of these characteristics are what set high performance gardens apart from simple organic gardens. This type of gardening gives anyone the opportunity to grow their own food with the best results.
At The Living Farm our mission is to share high performance garden methods with the world to create a better future for everyone. Are you ready to discover the skills necessary to begin to create a high performance garden? As a part of our educational outreach we have created the High Performance Garden Community to be a free gardening support system. Join the High Performance Garden Community today to receive weekly HPG video trainings. The HPG Community supports gardeners of all levels as they begin the journey of learning the high performance garden style. When you join don’t forget to share this blog post with other struggling gardeners in your life so they too can become high performance gardeners.
Whether you are a community member or not please feel free to email me your gardening questions. It is my goal to support you in your gardening adventures!
Are you ready to begin to transform your garden to an easy, weed free, time, expense and space efficient garden? Discover the world of high performance gardening with the HPG Community today!
May your garden be easy, fun, productive and always organic,
Lynn Gillespie
Email me your gardening questions. I would love to help you achieve the high performance garden of your dreams!
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