When you plan your organic garden far in advance you can begin to enjoy the benefits of a high performance garden. These gardens are well planned which allows for the highest productivity and efficiency when you care for your garden. My first garden was 5,000 square feet. This was neither productive or efficient for my family. Part of the process of developing a high performance garden system was creating a plan that fit my family. I use these easy 5 steps to plan my high performance garden every year and you can too! This is the perfect time to begin planning and conversing with your family about your needs for a garden.
5 Steps to Plan Your Organic Garden
The seventh characteristic of a high performance garden is that it is well planned. A well planned high performance garden will produce more than any other gardening system.This well planned garden is grown in a small space that takes little time or effort. When you plan your garden you will also increase your production. These 5 high performance garden planning steps will help you get the best results.
1. Discover Your Planting Zone
The USDA has assigned Plant Hardiness Zones that show the average length of your growing season, temperature patterns and the estimated first and last frost dates. This is integral to understand fully before you begin any other planting methods. The article How To Plan Your Garden According to Your Region focuses primarily on how to find your Plant Hardiness zone and use that information to your best possible advantage in your garden.
2. Family Garden Meeting
Now it’s time to call a family meeting! Once you know your Plant Hardiness Zone you will have a great idea of what is possible in your garden. Now it’s time to ask yourself “What would we enjoy eating all season?” and “How much do we need?” Overplanting will make your garden inefficient and difficult to manage.
3. Order Your Seeds
Ordering your seeds ahead will have you one step ahead of your garden. Your estimate of how many plants you will need will factor into how many you order. I always order a backup of seeds that is 25% of my amount. This way I insure a productive garden no matter the difficulties.
4. Plan Your Garden Space
The less garden space you have to care for the more efficient and productive your garden can be. A high performance garden can be planted tightly together. If you don’t have your high performance garden set up then simply follow the directions on the back of your seed packet and calculate the space of your garden.
5. Track Your Garden’s Progress
The final step to plan your garden is to keep a garden journal of the events of your previous gardening seasons. This will help you plan for the coming years according to the seasonal difficulties or successes you experienced. It’s important to stay alert to changes in your garden for the best future harvest!
What plants will you be growing in your garden this upcoming growing season? How are you planning ahead? This is the best time to sit down with your seed catalogs indoors where it’s warm and take the chance to plan your garden. If you are ready to take your garden to the next level make sure that you take the time to learn how to High Performance Garden. Grow double the amount of food in half the space of a well planned garden that is perfect for your family for years to come with this incredible garden.
Until next time, may your garden be easy, fun, productive and always organic!
Email Lynn any questions you have about planning your garden. This is the garden season for you to experience incredible efficiency and productivity!

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