Have you ever wondered if it’s possible to keep your garden weed free? It is possible and easy in a High Performance Garden. You won’t be able to completely get rid of weeding, but you will be able to cut down on the amount of weeds exponentially when you follow these 5 easy methods. You can begin to implement these methods anytime of the season in your garden. Although, the best time to get rid of weeds is in the fall and winter when you plan your garden. Use these tips as you plan your garden for the upcoming growing season so that you can keep your garden weed free. These methods are all completely organic and in harmony with nature’s systems for a healthy soil food web. This gives your plants the best possible chance at thriving in their environment!
5 Ways to Keep Your Organic Garden Weed Free
It is very important that the methods you use are completely organic and in harmony with nature. If you want to find out why this is so important to your garden’s success watch the first video in the 12 High Performance Garden Characteristics Series, Growing in Harmony with Nature.
1) Keep Your Soil Food Web Healthy
When your plants are supported by a healthy soil food web, they have access to all of the nutrients and minerals they need to live up to their fullest genetic potential. Your garden will out-compete the weeds for space, nutrients and sunlight and produce the highest nutrient density food. This mimics nature’s natural system for all plants.
2) Grow Your Garden in Raised Beds
Growing in a raised bed garden not only gives you more control of how you feed your soil food web, it will also cut your time spent weeding in the garden in half because you will not be weeding your aisles. Instead you can plant grass in between your beds or lay down the mulch of your choice. This is a beautiful way to keep your garden weed free.
3) Plant Closer Together
In a traditional garden each plant needs a certain amount of space to truly thrive. This comes down to not having enough nutrients for more plants in a smaller space. In a raised bed garden with a healthy soil food web you can plant much closer together. This will deter weeds from growing because there will be less sunlight and nutrients available for the weeds and lots of both of those things for your plants!
4) Mulch Your Organic Garden
This is a no-brainer for your garden. Mulching will protect your soil food web and further repress any weeds. I’ve used straw, grass clippings, leaves and wood chips. It is extremely important to make sure that your mulch is entirely organic. For an in depth look at mulching you should watch the High Performance Garden Training Video The Top 5 Organic Mulch Options.
5) Stay Vigilant!
Even when you follow all of these methods some weeds will get into your garden. Make sure you pick those weeds before they go to seed! You will save yourself from picking 100’s of weeds in the future. However, with these 5 methods all in place you will only see a weed occasionally. Instead of hours of weeding you will only take 15 minutes a week in a High Performance Garden.
Do you want to take your garden to the next level of affordability, productivity and efficiency? Then read the eBook High Performance Gardening. This eBook is designed to teach you all you need to create a blueprint for your high performance garden. If you are ready to have a High Performance Garden this year then check out the Leafy Greens Container Garden and the Abundance Garden . No matter your time or space limitations you can still have the garden of your dreams by enrolling in these online courses. My mission is to help 5,000 people grow a high performance garden this year. Will you be one of them?
Stay tuned for next week when we discuss how to garden in little time! Until then, may your garden be easy, fun, productive and always organic,
Email Lynn any questions you have about weed free gardening or any type of gardening question. She would love to help you achieve the high performance garden of your dreams!

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Great gardening I would like to learn more on commercial gardening of leafy vegetables.
The information in the Abundance Garden Course can be scaled up to a commercial level. I current grow about 20,000 square feet using this method. You can find the Abundance Garden Course on https://thelivingfarm.org/abundance-garden-course/.