Laying Hens – Egg Production
Currently we have around 200 laying hens. We grow heritage breeds that lay blue, green, brown, and white eggs. The hens pasture most of the year on the field with the sheep. In the winter they come indoors and eat alfalfa as well as farm grown grain. This coming year we are going to grow them some Mangle beets for winter supplemental feed.

Chicken – Meat Birds
The Living Farm raises around 1,500 meat birds per year. the birds are raised in the brooder until they are 3-4 weeks old. Then they have the freedom to roam on the pasture, eating as much alfalfa, grass and bugs as they wish. We sell whole USDA chickens ranging from 3-7 pounds each. Email Lynn if you are interested in purchasing chickens.

The Living Farm raises broad breasted turkey as well as heritage breeds. We are currently working on our own breeding program. We have heritage breed stock and collect eggs for the incubator.