Hearing about our Abundance Garden Course student gardens is one of our favorite things! Our Abundance Garden Course was launched December, 2014. This comprehensive online gardening course is the first high performance garden system online course of its kind. Recently Barbara, one of our very first Abundance Garden students shared some pictures of her Abundance Garden that she has created in one season. We are so excited by her progress that we couldn’t help but share her successes with you as well! This gorgeous abundance student garden is her first time ever gardening in the Abundance Garden System. It is simply incredible the progress she has made in just one season!
Barbara’s Abundance Student Garden
“I’ve been conventionally gardening for most of my adult life— the typical, large, family backyard garden—“organic” but not realizing the deep importance of soil health. I’ve been a Flowerchild of the 60s, Mother Earth News addict, Rodale subscriber, and “foodie” most my life—having said all that—I must tell you that I’ve learned more from you and the CBG(cinder block garden) course because you’ve made it “hands on” and “here’s the reason for doing it this way”….so I’ve gotten the rationale and the application all along the way….My beautiful CBG is proof for me and my family that it really is “all in the soil”.
You’ve helped me make it “possible”. I’m used to gardening large plots of ground that are poorly nourished— so I’d have inconsistent results and increasingly poor outcomes. Seeing and doing the CBG has given me a new perspective that makes sense and makes results….You’ve helped me find a way of gardening that WORKS—with ease.
(I fully intend to add additional CBGs each year—they are a beautiful addition to our home—And a great conversation piece! Inspiring to everyone who’s sees them.) And the lettuce! It’s gorgeous! I’ve never been able to grow such luscious lettuce. Between you and Johnny’s Seeds, I’m sure it’s the quality of the terrain and the seeds that are going into it that are making this such a satisfying and exciting adventure.
I’m having a ball caring for the garden.
I have a HUGE spider living in one of my cabbages…She comes out when I water in the am and pm….I’ll send you her picture :->
Everyone seems happy—-plants, critters, and me.
Bless you Lynn….and keep on keeping on.
I’m one enthusiastic fan!

Barbara’s Abundance Garden is thriving thanks to this comprehensive online gardening course. I have loved seeing everything she has created so far and I look forward to seeing what it looks like as time goes on. Her perseverance has paid off and now her garden is thriving. She made the choice to upgrade her garden, will you? Check out our how to get your high performance garden started video below to find out how you can become an Abundance Gardener for 50% off for a limited time. This spring sale is coming to a close soon so I would recommend beginning your Abundance Student Garden today!