Apr 7, 2015 | Hi Perf Gard Community, High Performance Garden
When you take on starting fussy to transplant seedlings the secret to success are a few rather strange tricks. In this part of the Secrets of Seeds Series we will discover what it takes to start those fussy to transplant seedlings.
Apr 1, 2015 | Hi Perf Gard Community, High Performance Garden
Starting seeds indoors is simple once you know a few of the insiders tips and tricks. Join Lynn in the greenhouse to see the farm’s process for starting seeds indoors.
Mar 25, 2015 | Hi Perf Gard Community, High Performance Garden
So many people have asked me about which seed varieties are best for their garden and safe for their family. Seeds are wonderful packets of living history that with the right care and understanding can yield so much! Let’s take an in depth look at the five main seed types that we can choose from and the best of the seed varieties for a high performance garden. The main five seed varieties you will come across while you are planning your garden are: open pollinated, non hybrid, heirloom, hybrid and GMO.
Mar 20, 2015 | High Performance Garden
So pull out your old seed packages you have been unsure about and let’s begin a seed germination test. Wet a paper towel and place it on a plate. Place your seeds on the paper towel (I prefer to use 10 to make things simple but you can do how many you would like). Set it in a place where it will be about 65-70 degrees and wait for germination. Make sure to maintain your paper towels dampness by adding water to your project. Because the are I live in is so dry I was doing this a couple of times a day.
Mar 17, 2015 | High Performance Garden
A high performance garden is the most fun, productive and organic gardening experiences you will ever have. There are 12 distinguishing characteristics that classify a gardening method as a high performance garden method.