How to Save Seeds in the Garden
Learn how to save seeds alongside Lynn Gillespie in this segment from the free High Performance Garden Show.
Learn how to save seeds alongside Lynn Gillespie in this segment from the free High Performance Garden Show.
Some of my favorite garden scenes are the dew drops on the edges of the leaves, the perfect spiral in the center of the lettuce plants and the perfection of a newly opened squash blossom with its brilliance and open invitation to the passing honey bee.
The fourth gift the garden has given me is adventure. After decades of growing a High Performance Garden, there have never been 2 days alike. There are days of triumph and days of tragedy. Each day is filled with a new adventure.
The 3rd gift my garden has given me is commitment. To reach the reward at the end of the garden season we need to have a commitment to tend to the plants needs until the end, where they reward us with a bounty of amazing food.
Do you dream about a weed free, productive and easy garden in your backyard? Enter to win a scholarship for the High Performance Garden Backyard Garden course by signing up for the free garden show at –
The garden is full of gifts. After decades of gardening I would like to share the many gifts it has given me with you! The Garden Gift Challenge is in it’s second week, and today, we are featuring, thoughtfulness.