Dixie the power milker of our dairy sheep herd had the most difficult birth of the season. The first of her triplets was backwards and one of his legs was at an angle that made further progress through the birth canal impossible. Lynn set out to help Dixie not realizing what a difficult birth it would be until she began birthing a tale first! To get his leg in a proper position she pushed him back through the birth canal and moved his leg to a position where he could be birthed. The difficulty with a backwards presentation is that as the lamb is birthed it takes its instinctive first breath before being clear of the birth canal. Once Lynn had pulled him she was able to resuscitate him. The other two babies came once their brother had cleared the way. This was a high stress birth due to the opportunity there was to lose all three babies due to the one being stuck. The firstborn boy, Tyler, was incredibly weak after his difficult birth and his mom ended up rejecting him. He is one of our 2015 bottle babies and one of the friendliest as well! He follows Lynn around like a puppy eager to help her with chores and then get cuddles. Savanna and Toledo his brother and sister are both beautiful and healthy lambs. Just today they were running around with their friends and nibbling on fresh green shoots of grass. In the next two days they will have a huge transition of going to pasture with their moms.


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