We had a busy week at the farm. One of our ewes, Jan gave birth to 2 healthy big baby boy lambs. She was 5 weeks early but we did have a ram bust down a gate in September and get into the ewes, 5 weeks before the breeding season. Lucky for us he only bred one ewe. Their names are Sampson and Finn.

Another exciting event on the farm was our Small Space, Big Production workshop sponsored by the Valley Organic Growers Association. We expected about 50 people and the turnout was around 70 people. It is so exciting to see people wanting to grow their own food! Growing your own food can be as simple as 15 minutes a day if done in the right system. Gardening does not have to be hard or frustrating. It can be one of the best parts of your day and it can really help cut your food budget.

Tomato Challenge
The weather has been very cold, like early January temperatures. We have had nights in the single digits again. The tomatoes are hanging in there. I am pleased that I can keep them from freezing. The cucumbers, on the other hand, are not freezing but are struggling with the cold nights. They like night temperatures above 60 deg. F. I will need to feed the tomatoes this week or move them up in pot size, they are looking a bit hungry but are still blooming.

One more thing…… I did see a robin this week! Now there is hope that winter will end!
Special Reminder
For all you local folks, our 40-week CSA starts this week! Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is the best way for consumers to buy local, seasonal food directly from a farmer and the best way to get the lowest cost on the best produce. We offer 10 different categories of food and you can choose your preference range. This is our 17th year, so we have a well design system in place by now. There are Two sizes available, a small box at $250 for 10 weeks and a large box at $350 for 10 weeks. Pick-up or Delivery. Email us if you are interested.
Home Grown Food Summit
More exciting news! I will be sharing my expertise on How to Set-Up your Greenhouse for Success along with 36 other garden experts at Marjory Wildcraft’s 3rd annual Home Grown Food Summit!
Registration is open and FREE Tickets are now available. The Summit kicks off Monday, March 18th. And will run 24 hours a day, for 7 full days with 2 encore days. Get the BEST secrets for growing all your own food & medicine.
Sign-Up: Home Grown Food Summit – It’s Free and Online!
Educational Outreach Program
Are you ready to have some fresh greens in your life? One of the easiest and most tasty greens you can create right at home, in just a week is pea shoots. They are one of my favorites and are so easy to grow. Watch the instructional video How to Sprout Peas.
Great Deals!
We had such a great response to our High Performance Garden eBook Bundle sale last month. I am so glad that we have so many people wanting to grow their own food! We heard from some folks that they missed out because they were out of the country so we are repeating this sale one more time so you can get your ebook bundle before we start up the High Performance Garden show in a few weeks! This bundle will help you to understand more of what we are demonstrating in the High Performance Garden Show. All of us want our garden to be easy, fun, productive and the envy of the neighborhood. We dream of a garden full of beautiful vegetables, vine-ripened tomatoes, and aromatic basil.
In this ebook you will discover:
- How to grow like Mother Nature
- How to have a small but very productive garden
- How to grow disease and bug resistant plants
- How to plan your garden to get the food you want
- How to have a weed free garden
- How to have the garden of your dreams
Also included in this bundle:
Bonus #1 Gardener’s Guide to Perfect Soil: Learn to create the perfect garden soil that the plants love and will thrive in.
Bonus #2 Organic Bug & Critter Control Guide: This is the beginning of the end of those bugs and critters taking control of your garden. In this guide, you will learn the 8 techniques to diagnose problems in your garden and how to get rid of them.
Bonus #3 Easy Trellis & Cold Frame Guide: This is the best, easy to build, no tools, trellis system you will ever have. It is the one that we use in the High Performance Garden.
The ebook by itself is $19.95. We are offering the eBook plus 3 Bonuses for $14.95. Use this coupon code: START5 to get $5 off. The Coupon expires at midnight March 5, 2019. Go to eBook Bundle to get started!
High Performance Garden Show Countdown!
We are getting excited about the start of the new season of the High Performance Garden Show!
Here is what people are saying about it…
“This Garden Show is so amazing and helpful, thank you so much for doing it!! 🙂 Love to watch every week. Thanks for all your help and guidance always!” Morgan B.
“I am SO enjoying this class! Thank you so much. I have learned so much. I harvested 1.6# of the most awesome greens this morning!” Gretchen B.
The new Season Starts on March 20th! Very soon we will have our hands back in the dirt! Winter is a great time to watch the last 3 seasons to get your 2019 season started off right! You can watch the last 3 seasons right now. Go to the High Performance Garden Show page.
If you are already signed up, log into your account to watch.
See you in the garden!