High Performance Garden Classroom Series

Join Lynn for our 20 week High Performance Garden Classroom Series! In this series you will learn:
- Winter Gardening: Learn how to grow under lights, what you can leave in the garden and how soon you can get back outside. You will also learn about cold frames, heat cables and harvesting a wintered over garden.
- Greenhouses, Hoop Houses and High Tunnels: Want to grow more year round? Learn what size, type and orientation you need to successfully grow in a structure. Figure out what your needs are so you can choose the right structure.
- How to Plan a Preservation Garden: Learn how to figure out how much space you will need and what to plant so you can freeze, can, root cellar or dehydrate your food for year round eating. Learn about the different methods of preserving different vegetables. Learn how many plants you need to get the yields that you want.
- Sizing Your Summer Garden for Your Needs: Learn how to plan the garden so you get consistent yields all season long. Learn what varieties to grow and when to plant them to make sure you get what you want out of your garden.
- Microbes – Your Gut and Your Health: Learn the connection between the garden, the microbes and how that connection affects your health and, also, why it is crucial to your health to grow your own food. Learn what is happening to our food supply and why microbes and their diversity is important to your garden and health.