The High Performance Garden Show
Are you frustrated with your old garden? Too many weeds, bugs, back aches and not enough produce?
Are you looking for a better gardening system? One that is easy, weed free, and produces so much food you have to give some away? Would you like a garden that is fun and enjoyable that only takes about 15 minutes a day to care for? If you answered yes to any of these questions then the High Performance Garden Show is for you!
Hello everyone! It is time to get ready to start year 10 of the HPGS. I have been getting a lot of requests to demonstrate a HP container garden. So I have decided that for year 10, we are going to do a HP container garden in my backyard. The HP container garden will still give us high yields and we can grow it weed free just like our raised bed garden. But now we will be able to move the plants around the garden or even indoors if bad weather is threatening.
In our HP container garden we are going to learn:
1. what containers are safe to use
2. best location for your container garden
3. best soil for a container garden
4. what the best container size is for different garden plants
5. how to grow your plants vertically in the containers to save space
6. how to keep your container garden pest free and organic
7. how to water a container garden
8. how to harvest and preserve vegetables from your container garden and much much more!
I am going to demonstrate an outdoor container garden that will include herbs, flowers and vegetables. I invite you to journey along with me and the plants for a fun gardening adventure.
If you don’t have a login account, please enroll.

This is what will you find when you enroll:
We have a unique “learn along with us” garden teaching system. You will actually get to see everything that I do in my garden for the entire season. I do not know of any other gardener that will show you every week, everything they do to succeed in their garden. This will be the best “insiders look” that you could possibly get, short of being in the actual garden the whole season.
Along with the upcoming season you can also watch the previous seasons. That is over 160 hours of high performance gardening education for free. And you also get the “What Can I Plant Today” chart that will help you know what you can plant in your garden in any given week.
Sign up today, start learning, it is free!
Here is what our students are saying:
A heartfelt thanks to YOU, Lynn! I had been interested in growing food, but failed miserably until I started to apply what I have learned from the week by week High Performance videos. I grew food last year!!! – Lyn
Even though I’ve been gardening a long time, I am SO loving the garden show, and learning so much! Lynn, you are such a delight to watch. I started at the beginning of 2016 and watch one episode every night as my reward at the end of the day. Thank you for making them available to us!!
I am constantly talking about Lynn Gillespie and saying “This is what Lynn says to do… or this is what Lynn says about that…” I have been gardening for years and listening to a lot of what Master Gardener’s teach but I have learned more in the last few months from Lynn’s programs than any other source ever. I feel so much more confident in the garden these days. THANK YOU!!
What Can I Plant Today?
Know your Planting Zone
Become a Sponsor of the High Performance Garden Show!
If you would like to learn more about preserving your harvest for the winter, get our Preserving Fruits and Vegetable Guide eBook, we have listed all the best ways that we preserve over 25 different vegetables. In this guide you will learn which vegetable does best with which preservation method. If you preserve it wrong, the vegetable may not hold through the winter or it may taste really bad. You can get the Preserving Fruits and Vegetables Guide eBook for free when you sponsor this show. We give it away along with the The Gardener’s Guide to Perfect Soil and the Homemade and Organic Pest control eBook to anyone who sponsors this show at the $8.25 level.
There are 3 Levels to Sponsor the Show
Inspired Gardener Level: $8.25 for the Season
You get:
- Pest Control eBook ($20 value)
- Preserving Fruits and Vegetable Guide ($20 value)
- The Gardener’s Guide to Perfect Soil ($20 value)
Motivated Gardener Level: $16.50 for the Whole Season
You get:
- Homemade Organic Pest Control eBook ($20 value)
- Preserving Fruits and Vegetable Guide ($20 value)
- The Gardener’s Guide to Perfect Soil ($20 value)
- High Performance Garden Classroom Series Lesson 1: Growing Under Lights ($39 value)
Dedicated Gardener Level: $33 for the Whole Season
You get:
- Homemade Organic Pest Control eBook ($20 value)
- Preserving Fruits and Vegetable Guide ($20 value)
- The Gardener’s Guide to Perfect Soil ($20 value)
- High Performance Garden Classroom Series Lesson 1: Growing Under Lights ($39 value)
- High Performance Garden Classroom Series Lesson 2:Timing Your Garden For Success ($39 value)
Pick your sponsorship level, get your free Preserving Fruits and Vegetables Guide eBook and save your harvest for winter eating, you will be glad you did!

Easy Access
This online show is hosted just like an online streaming show. The only difference is that there are no ads and that it’s released weekly as we are following the gardening season. It is hosted on a platform that allows us to give you more than just garden shows, there will be links to additional education and a bonus guide, What Can I Plant Today. No matter the timing, you can still begin to grow something, whether it’s indoors or out, all you need is to know what and when!

Our Gift to You
You get all of this and more for FREE. The High Performance Garden Show is a part of the Living Farm’s educational outreach program and is endorsed by Slow Food Western Slope. So, you get all of this as a gift, from the western slope of Colorado to your garden.

Grow. Share. Teach
In return for this amazing free show, we have a small request. We ask that you grow a garden, whether it’s in a tiny pot or an entire backyard. This is your year to shine in a garden! Don’t let your friends and family miss out on this opportunity, share your garden and the garden show with them so that they too can begin their high performance garden journey. In the end, you will be equipped to teach your friends simple gardening techniques and sharing the joy of gardening with the world.
Get Started!
Share the Garden Show by using the social media buttons on the left. And then click the button below to begin on your journey. We look forward to having you join us in the High Performance Garden. Trust us, you will never be the same.
More Courses
Abundance Garden Course
High Performance Garden eBook
Leafy Greens Container Garden Course
The Living Farm
39776 Green Tractor Rd.
Paonia, CO 81428