When you brew your own compost tea you are feeding your garden while staying in harmony with nature. This incredible brew will revitalize your plants and soil microbe population. Join me in the Abundance Garden and in this latest high performance garden training video we will brew 4 gallons of compost tea!

How to Make Super Aereated Compost Tea



  • 1 Fish Tank Aereator
  • 1 Panty Hose
  • Baling Twine or String
  • 2 TBS Molasses ( Non Sulfur and Organic)
  • 5 Gallon Buck filled with water
  • 4 Cups of Compost

Day One Compost Tea


Fill your 5 gallon bucket with water. Most people will have some chlorine in their water. This can kill the beneficial microbes we are trying to grow! By placing your fish tank aerator in the water bucket and allowing it to aerate for 2 hours you will remove the chlorine and have a great base for your compost tea. Once you have finished this step it’s time to add the ingredients for your compost tea! I add in 2 tablespoons of molasses to feed the microbes. It makes the compost tea smell absolutely delicious! I then stuff 4 cups of my organic compost into pantyhose. I had to get some from a friend because I don’t own a single pair! In my opinion if you can’t do it in blue jeans it’s probably not worth doing! The compost pantyhose is then knotted at the top and tied off with a length of baling twine or string about 2-3 feet long (you want this to trail out of the compost bucket so you can fish it out once you are done). Place your compost sack in the bucket and allow the compost tea to brew for 48 hours.

Once you have given it time to brew, unplug the bubbler. If the smell of the compost tea is like cookies then you have an excellent batch of compost tea! If it smells bad don’t use it in your garden. Remove the compost sack and the aereator and get ready to use! You should use your compost tea within 4 hours of when it is finished brewing. Place it in a plastic spray bottle or watering can as the compost tea can affect the metal. I like to give each of my plants about 1 cup of compost tea if they are struggling. Or you can use the entire 4-5 gallons on your organic lawn!

The clean up is an important step. Once you have finished with your compost tea you will need to brush the bacterial slime, better known as plaque, build up off of your equipment. Put about a 1/2 gallon of water into your empty bucket with a 1/2 cup of baking soda and scrub and rinse all of your equipment with a brush to remove the buildup. Once finished rinse out with clean water. I prefer to store all of my equipment in the bucket so I’m ready for the next time! 

Do you know another gardener struggling with stunted and underfed plants? Share this training video with them so they can begin to create their own high performance garden system. I look forward to helping your garden succeed! Until next time, may your garden be easy, fun, productive and always organic!


Email me any questions you have about organic compost. It’s my goal to help you develop your high performance garden as quickly as possible.

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