Locavore: Local Diet, Healthy Planet
A tasty documentary about returning home to our food supply.
Locavore – a person who makes an effort to eat food that is grown, raised, or produced locally, usually within 100 miles of home.
The four biggest challenges facing America are: economic recession, health crisis, worldwide energy crunch and an environmental collapse. Food is a common factor in today’s challenges of economy, health, energy and environment. Eating locally is the most pro-active response and creates more American jobs, diminishes your carbon footprint and increases the health of the future generations.
This film is about empowering all Americans with the knowledge to return our nation to an economically prosperous land, to revitalize health and vitality, to dramatically reduce our energy use and to rejuvenate our environment. If you care about our future step up to your dinner plate and become a locavore. Our future depends on you. Join the Locavore Movement and reshape the world one bite at a time.
The Locavore Challenge
Are you inspired to become a Locavore? Begin revitalizing your planet, community and body by taking on the 3 Locavore Challenges!
You have the power within your grasp to propel this movement forward. Nothing will change if we don’t take action. I challenge you today to take the first step. Today is your day to make a difference.
Here are 3 Locavore Challenges you can participate in to increase the Locavore Movement:

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