Farm Blog
The Living Farm Musings
Zinnia’s Natural Lambing – Lambing Adventure # 7
We always enjoy when there is a natural lambing that requires no intervention. This was a textbook birth that was truly enjoy

Assisted Sheep Birth – Lambing Adventure #6
During our last sheep birth Maybelline needed some help. Because of our unique situation and it being a text book birth we wanted to share it with you! (The video is of a live sheep birth so it is not for the squeamish!) Lynn oversaw the birth of the first of Maybelline’s twins, a little girl, and Kristin pulled a baby lamb for the first time.

First Day of Spring Lambs – Lambing Adventure #4-#5
On the first day of spring we welcomed in our first two spring lambs! Luna and Ruby both had two sweet little girls who share the same father, Aries. Ruby had her little girl with ease Luna came across some troubles. We were expecting three babies but she ended up having only one girl who was quite a good size (we estimate about 20 pounds at birth).

Amber’s Adventurous Birth – Lambing Adventure #3
This is quite a special Lambing Adventure. We went out to check on Amber and had the camera ready to capture the first minutes of life with our newest addition to the flock! This little boy is gorgeous with his white and black markings. We not only want to share this special Lambing Adventure with you. We also want to involve you by having you join us in naming this sweet little boy!

Star’s Beautiful Space Boy -Lambing Adventure #2
Our second Lambing Adventure is quite the unique story. Star & Aries have a brand new bouncy boy! Our third lamb of the season is big and rambunctious. It will be amazing to see all that he does in the future! This little guy needs a space name to match his parents lovely names and we want you to name him! Get to know Star’s Space Boy in this video and then submit your name ideas at the end of this blog.

Lucy’s Surprise Twins -Lambing Adventure #1
Our first lambing adventure was quite a surprise! Lucy’s twins came early March 18th and my goodness are they big! Our ram jumped the fence before our scheduled breeding times so we just might have a few more “surprise” babies! On the farm we are so blessed to be a part of this wonderful life filled process and we want to invite you to come and join us! We want to involve people from all over the world to name our baby lambs!

February: Inspirational Sustainable Education
The Living Farm has been bursting with life. Our greenhouses are abundant with salad greens, the ewes milk bags are growing in anticipation of lambs in March and we have hosted a live recording session of The Mighty Diamonds. All of this abundance of life at the farm has inspired us to create empowering sustainable education and to share it with our global communities.

Abundance Garden Course
The Living Farm’s mission is to teach everyone the life skill of vegetable gardening, in a fun, easy, productive and completely organic gardening system. With the launch of the Abundance Garden Course our mission really reaches “everyone”.