Dr. Mercola is one of my heroes. It is always a treat when I open an email of his and learn something new. I’m shocked I didn’t think of him when I found myself struggling with sleeping through the night. A friend of mine told me how she had transformed her sleep by changing her pillow to a natural “Dr. Mercola Approved” pillow. I had no idea that my pillow could be keeping me from a good night’s sleep. I had to find out what kind of pillow he recommended.
“The types of sheets, pillows and comforter on your bed can make a significant difference in how well you sleep. But, not just any new bedding will do.” – Dr. Mercola, “Caution Sleeping on This “Steals Your Energy as You Sleep”
This was an exciting idea, I had to find out the certain standards that Dr. Mercola held all of his bedding to. This was my road map for finding a great pillow. I knew in the beginning that this pillow also needed to be machine washable, dryable and completely organic. I found Dr. Mercola’s 3 key requirements for the perfect natural pillow are:
3. No Fire Retardant Chemicals
Most pillows include harsh fire retardant chemicals. One of the most commonly used fire retardants is polybrominated diphenyl ethers or PBDEs.“PBDEs resemble the molecular structure of PCBs, which have been linked to cancer, reproductive problems, and impaired fetal brain development.” Dr. Mercola explains in an article Should You Throw Your Pillow Away? – Researchers did a study and found that sleeping pillows topped the list on having the highest amount of these chemicals. Exposing ourselves to this is an unnecessary risk because there are natural pillows that don’t contain these chemicals. The pillows that have the highest amounts of PBDEs are: polyurethane foam pillows, polyester pillows and feather pillows!
2. Completely Hypoallergenic
“Dust mite feces and decaying bodies are responsible for most of our allergic reactions. Allergic reactions can range from very mild to severe. If you have existing air sensitivities, your reaction could be even more intense. When considering bedding choices, it’s important to note that dust mites thrive in warm, humid conditions.” Dr Mercola “Caution Sleeping on This “Steals Your Energy as You Sleep”
Do you wake up with an allergic reaction in the mornings? Most likely it is dust mite feces in your pillow. In two years a down pillow can accumulate up to two pounds of dust mite feces. YUCK! This is because a down pillow is the perfect home for dust mites, it dries very slowly and doesn’t wick away moisture which the dust mites need. This same problem can occur with cotton batting filled pillows.
The optimum sleeping temperature is between 64-68 degrees. Too cold and your body is working hard to warm up and any hotter and your body will be working hard to cool down. Either way instead of resting your body is working to stay at a comfortable temperature. Down and polyester are not as breathable as you need and you will often be too hot. “Reducing the amount of “thermal stress” on your body by selecting the appropriate bedding is so important if you want to get a great night’s sleep.” – Dr. Mercola “Caution Sleeping on This “Steals Your Energy as You Sleep”
What kind of pillow fits all the requirements? We know that synthetic materials, cotton and down don’t hold up to these standards. The only natural material that does is wool. Wool is naturally fire resistant, it naturally wicks away moisture and it is naturally breathable. Wool bedding has also been found to increase REM sleep and lower the resting heart rate of those who use it.
“When it comes to treating yourself to the best bedding possible – and thus the most optimal sleep experience – I fully recommend wool.” – Dr. Mercola “Caution Sleeping on This “Steals Your Energy as You Sleep”
Remember when I was struggling with sleep? When I learned about Dr. Mercola and his wool pillows I had to give them a go. Because I had my own wool from my flock I thought I would just use one of the many fleece that I already had. The fleece was already 100% organic and I knew that it was sustainably grown from my well loved sheep. All I needed to do was make it machine washable and comfy. Most wool pillows are not machine washable and are filled with wool batting that lumps together over time. So, I designed a felted woolly down that was completely transformable and machine washable. That first night I slept with my wool pillow I had the best sleep of my life! Thank you Dr. Mercola! After that I just had to share the pillow with my friends and family. So, I made a bunch of prototypes and gifted them to my close friends. They came back amazed wondering how they could buy more. I was amazed that all of them reported better sleep.
I started planning for a sale, and then realized that I wanted these pillows to be about the holiday season of gift giving. On my family farm we are raising the final funds to finish building a home for our farm manager and her family. This gift for our farm manager is very important to me, as are these pillows. That’s why all of the proceeds from purchasing your own one of a kind felted wool down pillow will go towards making our farm managers house into a home.

Our farm manager, Lael and her family From left to right: Avory, Lael & Addison Photo credit Captivating Love Photography
Join us and give the gift of a good night’s sleep to your friends and family! They are the Dr. Mercola recommended natural pillow and family approved because of their durability and comfort! Giving the gift of natural sleep is easy, when you purchase 2 of the standard sized sleep pillows you will receive $30 off the original price! And, I am so excited about these pillows that each one is guaranteed for 30 days. Within that time if you are not satisfied, simply send it back and we will refund your purchase price!
- The Convertible Wool Pillow
Help a Farm to Help a Family and buy the natural pillow that Dr. Mercola would use. We need 100 to be sold to reach our goal and supplies are limited. They will only be available until December 15th. Go and get yours today before they are gone!
Thank you for being a part of the farm, it is a pleasure to have you come alongside us in this season of peace, joy and goodwill to all men.
The Living Farm