One of the best broad spectrum organic pest control is Nematodes. These microscopic organisms are a great way to keep pests down while supporting your soil food web organically. Every high performance garden is organic and as you develop yours you will need to do the same. The struggle with finding effective organic pest control can be difficult. This organic pest control method will control a wide variety of pests.

There are many types of nematodes in the world. Guardian” is a strain of Steinernema carpocapsae, and “Gnat Patrol” is a strain of Steinernema feltiae. Beneficial, entomogenous (insect parasitic) nematodes. Some nematodes are harmful to plants and animals but the ones that we are introducing to our gardens are not harmful. They are considered the broad spectrum of biological insect control. Many beneficial insects have only one or two pests that the will prey upon. Nematodes are not picky eaters and will prey upon almost any pest that has a lifecycle in the soil.

nematode organic pest control

Broad Spectrum Organic Pest Control

The way that they destroy the pest is by seeking the pests out in the moist soil then entering the body and will kill the host and lay their eggs in the carcass. Then the baby nematodes will exit the carcass and look for more pests to consume and host the next generation. The nematodes are controlling pests in your garden even while you sleep.

Nematodes will seek out and consume the larva and pupa. There are over 250 pests they will kill. The more familiar ones are Colorado potato beetle, Cut worms, Wire worms, Chinch bugs, gnats, cucumber beetle, Flea beetles, Mexican bean beetle, Fruit fly, Codling moth, weevils, crickets, Peach tree borer, European corn borers, Imported fire ant, Assassin bugs, Stink bugs, Thrip and many other pests that live in the soil. I told you they were not picky!

Release Technique

We release them 2 times a year. Their life cycle is about 3 weeks so we release them 2 weeks apart to get overlapping generations. Typically we will release them when the outside temperatures start to range in the high 80 degrees F. I order 1 million at a time and the cost is around $12. The recommended rate of release is 500/ sq. ft.

You can use these in your gardens and lawns to control a wide variety of pests. I order mine from Hydro-Gardens in Colorado Springs, CO.

Do you know any gardeners who are struggling with pests this year? Share this broad spectrum organic pest control training video with them so they too can enjoy an organically pest free garden!

Until next time, may your garden be easy, fun, productive and always organic!


Email Lynn any questions you have about broad spectrum organic pest control.

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